
Robert S. Hightower
ISLN: 906490141
General Practice; Corporate; Estate Planning; Probate; Trust Law; Federal and State Taxation; Mergers and Acquisitions; Real Property
1975, Florida; 1976, U.S. District Court, Northern District of Florida and U.S. Tax Court
Law School:
Florida State University, J.D. (1975)
New York University, L.L.M. (in Taxation) (1976)
Graduate School:
Florida State University, M.A. in Russian and Eastern European Studies (2020)
The Florida Bar (Member: Executive Council, Tax Section, 1978-1996; Tax Certification Committee. 1991-1995); American Bar Association (Member, Taxation Section).
Phi Kappa Phi. Notes and Comments Editor, Florida State University Law Review, 1974-1975; Legislative Intern, Florida House of Representatives, 1974. Consulting Editor, Taxation Volumes. Florida Jurisprudence (West Group), 1981-1983 and 1997 – 1999. Co-Author: “Multi-State Corporations and Separate Accounting Under the Florida Corporate Income Tax.” Florida Bar Journal, July/August 1978. Adjunct Professor, Certificate in Financial Planning Program, (Estate Planning). Center for Professional Development, Florida State University, 1997-1998. Adjunct Assistant Professor of Law, Florida State University (Planning Land Transactions, 1979; Advanced Partnership Tax Seminar, 1985; Real Estate Planning, 1986); Gratuitous Transfers, Spring, 2013.
Second Judicial Circuit Nominating Commission, 1982-1987; Tallahassee City Commission, 1989-1993. Mayor, City of Tallahassee, 1992-1993. Member, Sunshine State Governmental Finance Commission, 1992-1993. Member, 1989-1993 and Chairperson, 1990-1991. Tallahassee-Leon County Metropolitan Planning Organization, Member; Tallahassee-Leon County Civic Center Authority, 1992-1993. Apalachee Regional Planning Council, 1990-1991; Tallahassee Regional Estate Planning Council; Board of Directors; Presbyterian Retirement Communities, Inc. (formerly Presbyterian Retirement Homes of the Synod of Florida), 1987-1990.
Washington, D.C., May 23, 1949
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